Universities & High Schools
Are you seeking to place ALL of your students into the best opportunities in their next chapter of life? Do you want to be known for students who do great things after graduating from your school? Are you struggling with attraction, engagement, development, placement of your international students?
“Students are equipped with the work place competencies but were not able to demonstrate their abilities in job interviews and did not learn several key professional skills”
Source: Feedback from Employers, Collegiate Employment Research Institute, Michigan State University
How can
we help?
We provide insights and coaching to educational institutions to help them best position their students for success in the professional world. We offer services that support staff AND students.
Examples include presentations & workshops, direct one-on-one coaching and formal consulting engagements.
We have proprietary career development methodologies that provide comprehensive, practical and impactful guidance to students from all backgrounds:
The CASE Approach (college students)
The PREPP Approach (high school students)